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an alumni page has been set up on www.facebook.com
the url is: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2236108807

Welcome to the official home page for the Cape Breton Cheer All-Stars. The CBCA Organization was the first club in Cape Breton, forming in 2002. We were the first and longest running non-profit all-star cheerleading program in all of Cape Breton Island. Since 2002 we have housed 3 teams, the Mini Stars (Youth - Ages 12 and Under), the Explosion (Senior - Ages 17 and Under) and the Stars (Open - Ages 18 and Over). Our teams have been headed by Janine Wall (Muise) and Curtis Wall, and past coaches have included Nena Erickson, Michelle MacDonald, Melissa Tighe, Michelle Tighe, Jennifer Gilbert and Ashley Timmerman. Our teams have also been assisted by Stacey Gouthro, Shannon MacIssac, Tracy Neal (Clare) and Tanya Sampson. Our coaches and members have included some of the best cheerleaders on the island. And we have had a successful 4 year run.

Although the past four years have been very successful for us, we as coaches and owners have decided that it is time to call and end to our organization. While the past four years have been an awesome experience for us both, we have learned that through the up's and down's, family and friends should always come first. And although our teams have been like a second family to us, our own families and friends have had to be put aside for far too long. And we feel as though we have put so much into this sport and but yet still remain somewhat unappreciated for the work and dedication we have put into owning this club.

We apologize for not giving further notice, but this decision took alot of thought and consideration before we could finalize it. We both feel however, that this decision is for the best.

To our cheerleaders that felt as though "leaving" us to be with another team would be like betrayal, we would like you to know that it has been a pleasure to work with you over the last four years, and ANY team would be lucky to have the talents and traits you all have possessed.  And we wish you all the best of luck. You truly made this experience worthwhile.  YOU are the reason we kept going through it all, and YOU are the reason we will remember nothing but the best from these teams.  Positivity, dedication, determination, hard work and respect are what made you all the people you are, do not ever lose these qualities in yourselves. Again, we wish you nothing but the best.

Rumours are horrible things and we feel that this topic had to be put to rest by ourselves as coaches/owners. Believe what you want to believe, but know these things: Those of you who TRULY know us, know that we have endured alot over the past 4 years to keep going and to keep making this organization the absolute best it could be. You also know that we are good people who only wanted nothing but the best for our teams, and only wanted to give an opportunity to so many cheerleaders in Cape Breton that they never had before.

To those of you who think that you can try to bring down a person's self-respect and dignity with lies and deceit, you can't. This won't make you feel any better about yourself, or make you look any better in other's eyes. Know that the things you do to people, will someday be done to you, and hopefully you can still wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and feel good about yourself, because you cannot change the past, but we can forget it.

If you are still interested in being a part of the growing sport of club cheerleading in Nova Scotia, we suggest you check out the new Nova Scotia Club Cheerleading Association website at: http://www.leaguelineup.com/nscca

Looking ot be on a team in Cape Breton? We suggest contacting the coaches of the Celtic Power Cheerleading Organization, which is now Cape Breton's longest running program (owned by past CBCA coach Nena Erickson). They house teams for all ages and levels. Check them out online at: http://celticpowercheer.tripod.com

Any questions or comments please feel free to email us at:




 Janine & Curtis Wall - CBCA Owners/Coaches 2002-2006